Isn’t It Time To Stop Covering-Up Your Allergy Symptoms With Expensive Yet Temporary Medications, and Actually STOP What’s Causing Your Suffering?
If you or a family member suffer from food sensitivities, or you suspect food ‘allergies’ are causing health problems, and you live in the Norwalk, Westport and Stamford area, or anywhere in Fairfield County, I CAN help you.
And the best place to start is with my FREE ebook. You’ll learn about:
- 5 allergy misconceptions - what they are and how they are affecting you
- Enzymes and the vital role they play in digestion
- Learn more about Probiotics and Prebiotics and why we need these as we age
- Learn about how your medications are effecting digestion - (it's not good)
- What about cravings? What do they mean?
- How is digestion related to the 'tenacious trio', Asthma, Allergies & Eczema?
- Organic foods and their effects on foot sensitivities
- A self-assessment test to help you learn even more about exactly what you can do to live healthier
This is about natural allergy elimination. There are NO shots and NO drugs.
You’ll ALSO be notified immediately when we provide a new Q&A video here on the website. This is an on-going series of videos, where I answer the most common questions I get about food allergy elimination, natural allergy relief, child allergies, eczema, asthma, heartburn, being an allergy specialist, allergy symptoms, different allergy treatments, energy medicine, and food allergy management… and why I CAN help you.
Like my brother, Ryan, my mother brought me to Doctor Mark because I was having trouble digesting my food. After eating, I would feel sick or bloated. Sometimes I didn’t want to eat even though I was hungry. I tried to avoid foods that caused the problem, the most which didn’t help because there were so many other foods that were involved. Once I started with Doctor Joachim and BioSET, there were immediate changes in my life, and my stomach issues improved over time. I also had dry skin and spring allergies, which improved after Doctor Mark, treated me for my food allergies and my spring allergies improved after my first visit. My treatments never hurt and he’s the best food allergy specialist to go to because he doesn’t give shots or make you feel scared.
– Stephanie Camhi – Weston, CT